The emergency chlorine vapor scrubbing system is a three-stage chemical absorption
system consisting of a horizontal cross flow spray system followed by two horizontal
cross flow packed bed sections.
An induced draft fan pulls vapors through the scrubber, where intimate contact with a
recirculating caustic solution results in the complete absorption and removal of
chlorine or sulfur dioxide vapors.
A high efficiency mist eliminator is located in the gas stream, prior to exhaust, to
remove any residual caustic solution. A chlorine detector or manual remote start
switch activates the system in two steps.
The caustic pump is activated first to permit proper wetting of packing in the
scrubber stages before starting the exhaust fan, with a 0 to 5 second adjustable
time delay. The time delay is typically set for 3 to 5 seconds. This feature allows
the scrubber to be ready prior to passing any chlorine laden gases through it.
The exhaust fan is placed downstream of the scrubber. This feature allows the
complete system to be under negative pressure until the gases are completely
scrubbed. The absorber is placed on top of a caustic storage tank, which is an
integral part of the system.
Scrubbing liquid is supplied to the motive inlet under pressure. As a result of the
large drop in liquid pressure across the nozzle, a high velocity liquid spray exits
the nozzle. This atomized liquid provides surface area for transfer of mass from the
gas to the liquid phase and allows for capture of particulates from the gas phase
due to impaction. In addition, the velocity of the liquid spray creates a negative
pressure which pulls gas into the Chlorine Scrubbers.
Working pattern of Emergency chlorine scrubber
The chlorine is neutralized using caustic solution. The unit is designed based on
risk analysis study to prevent release of chlorine directly into atmosphere.
The scenario considered are:
Instantaneous high flow rate
Chlorine concentration
Scrubbing efficiency
The chlorine concentration should be monitored continuously near the toner and should
be ensured that concentration is less than 3 ppm
Fusible plug worst case in the 900 kg toner
Melts at approximately 160 oF (71 oC)
Cl2 at 80 oF = 117 psia vapor pressure
Cl2 at 160 oF = 325 psia vapor pressure
34” diameter orifice = 437 lbs/min at 160 oF
Ton Container liquid plug empties ~ 5 minutes
437 lbs/min = 2380 scfm
Considering safety factor, suction air flow required is 3000 CFM to evacuate entire
chlorine gas from leakage area.
For 50 kg toner, considering safety factor, suction air flow required is 250 CFM to
evacuate entire chlorine gas from leakage area.
Chlorine Neutralization
In the scrubber system, Chlorine is neutralized by using sodium hydroxide and gives
by product of sodium hypochlorite and sodium chloride.
Cl2 + 2 NaOH --> NaOCl + NaCl + H2O
Major Components in Scrubber
Chlorine sensor
FRP Capturing hood with actuated damper
FRP Ducting
FRP scrubber system
Caustic recirculation pumps
FRP blower
FRP exhaust chimney
Operation of scrubber system
One common duct will run along the length of chlorine storage area,
chlorine tank filling and loading area. Tonners containing chlorine
will be connected online with chlorine sensor. All the tonners will
be provided with an online chlorine gas monitoring system with hood
to cover the toner, nozzle and connection manifolds.
The hood part has bottom portion and top portion, of which top
portion is removable when it is required to change the toner.
Whenever the chlorine tanks are to be connected/removed from the
online system, the top portion will be removed and placed after
keeping the toner. When both hoods, bottom portion and top portion
are placed, it creates a fully closed system, thus preventing the
chlorine escape out of hoods.
The electrically actuated damper will be provided for each hood,
connected with each toner. All the hoods are connected to main
ducting line which is connected to the scrubber. The damper is
controlled by PLC based controller system. All the dampers are in
closed condition normally. When the chlorine gets leaked in a
particular toner, it will be detected by sensor and the signal will
be sent to PLC controller system. Then, automatically the damper of
leakage toner hood will be turned on and the scrubber and blower
will be switched on without any human intervention.
Once the system starts, it will create negative suction near the
leakage hood and pulls out entire leaked chlorine to the scrubber
system. The scrubber will neutralize the chlorine gas by caustic
solution and will leave treated gas to the atmosphere via blower and
The scrubber system consist of three section. 1 Spray section and 2
Packed bed section. The inlet gas from the hood enters horizontally
in spray section where 15% caustic solution is sprayed with high
pressure at cross current direction to scrub the chlorine. This
section handles extremely high concentration of chlorine. After
passing through the spray section, it enters into the packed bed
section, it acts as polishing section to increase scrubbing
The entire chlorine gas is neutralized before releasing into the
atmosphere. The scrubber is capable of reducing the inlet chlorine
gas concentration to less than 5 ppm at the outlet. A pre-treatment
stage (spray section) handles extremely high concentrations while
subsequent high-efficiency stages remove the remainder of the toxic
vapors. During catastrophic releases, the scrubber achieves more
than 99.999% chlorine vapor removal efficiency.
Typical Scrubbing Products Liquid chemicals that have been used to scrub chlorine
Sodium hydroxide
Potassium hydroxide
Sodium carbonate
Calcium hydroxide
Hydrogen peroxide
Sodium hydroxide solutions are the most commonly used for typical scrubbing
applications. However, the other chemicals listed above have been successfully used
in many applications where they may be readily available, less expensive or satisfy
the specific application.
Drizgas Tech is one of leading manufacturer of Emergency chlorine scrubber in India.
We provide highly efficient, top-quality scrubber system built around your precise
requirements. Contact us with your process information so we can begin discussing
the type of new equipment that best fits your situation.
Factory-assembled for easy installation
Proven in independent testing under a catastrophic one-ton gas release
Compact, low profile enables indoor installations
FRP construction for strength and corrosion resistance
Integral secondary containment
Heat trace and insulation
Minimum maintenance at remote, unmanned locations
Contact Information
Phone Number
+91 842 823 1593 | +91 995 287 7991
Email Address |
Office Address
No. 50, Villianur Main Road, Odiyampet, Puducherry - 605 110, INDIA